DEEP DIVE with Ripple: Blockchain Leader in Remittances
Ripple’s Value Proposition: Help financial institutions process customer’s transfers (payments) anywhere in the world reliably, cost-effectively, and instantly.
The 2018 FinTech100 Ranks the Best-in-Class
The FinTech100 is an extensive annual report created by KPMG and H2 Ventures, showcasing the industry trends and innovative global companies in FinTech that are driving the most disruption through technology. The 2018 FinTech100 was released earlier this month and marks the fifth edition of the report (going back to 2013), which continues to discuss indicators of change, and potential strategic opportunities for growth.
The Future State of Payments Beyond FinTech
Numerous trends and technologies are intersecting now that will take payments past a future state of a cashless and paperless transactions, to a completely open, digital world marketplace.
Blockchain as a Privacy Solution
From online banking to healthcare and social media, personal information is widely available and easily exposed more than ever before. The trend of smartphone applications tracking location, financial, and biometric data to make common day-to-day activities easier and convenient, has only intensified the debate on privacy. With higher risk has come an increasing rate of privacy breaches that have prompted blockchain projects to be developed as a solution to address this issue with security and transparency.
Bitcoin: From White Paper to Financial Revolution
The biggest catalyst for the birth of today’s cryptocurrencies came from a 9-page white paper published by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym name for an anonymous person or group, in October 2008.
Blockchain Enhances the Insurance Industry
As an emerging technology seeking mainstream acceptance, blockchain continues to build applications and use cases towards solutions that can have an immediate impact on industries in need of innovation, efficiency, and/or disruption. One industry that easily fits these criteria is insurance.
Blockchain in FinTech Fuels the Future of Payments
Western Union and Moneygram are widely known names in the payments sector of finance. As technology rapidly disrupted financial services over the last 20 years, FinTech (financial technology) companies have emerged globally to provide a simple, low-cost alternative to well-established agencies.
Beyond Hype: How Blockchain Changes Logistics
There are multiple industries and fields around the world in need of changes due to outdated processes and structures. Numerous startups have taken on this need for last few years, especially in the area of logistics and supply chain, showing some traction in implementing efficient blockchain solutions across the industry.
What is Blockchain: An Explanation for the Masses
Despite the increasing levels of awareness with this new technology, industry insiders still have difficulty explaining to the general public what blockchain is and what potential it has, making it difficult to build belief for the masses.
Banks and Blockchain - What Needs to Work?
Large financial institutions are full of legacy systems and mounds of regulatory risk, making it difficult to implement blockchain, an emerging technology with multiple benefits capable of enhancing industries and companies that heavily rely on transactions and record keeping.
Can Cryptocurrency Replace Money (Fiat)?
Enthusiasts behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies firmly believe that today's fiat currency will become a thing of the past. The principal elements behind the utility of traditional fiat money are somewhat comparable to crypto with even more added benefits that go beyond cash....
A Framework for Cryptocurrency
With all the hype around cryptocurrency these last 6 months, industry enthusiasts are looking to help educate the general public on what truly is considered crypto and what isn’t.