Machine Learning in the World of Finance
Machine learning has been a part of our world for years, but it’s presence and awareness (in our daily life) in the last 18 months has grown tremendously. Finance is the industry that has most benefited from its insights in present-day applications, with even more dynamic innovation coming beyond 2018.
AI, the Next Level for FinTech
There is no slowing down fintech as it continues to disrupt traditional financial institutions and processes with innovative technology and enhanced user experiences. The next level of disruptive technology to be applied by fintechs is AI (artificial intelligence).
Machine Learning for Today's Business World
Despite the growing force of machine learning, businesses are struggling internally to find usable applications for the new technology. Companies are able to figure out how models and algorithms work, but not sure how to use it yet to solve current issues they face.
Image from Class Central
Be Ready for AI Impacting You at the Office
Artificial Intelligence, no longer just a buzzword, will have a major impact to work and how your company runs its business. Our current digital age of technology shaping and enhancing experience will welcome AI and its multiple benefits for employees and customers.
Image credit Forbes